The street signs on this main shopping street were so beautifully crafted. Even the McDonalds had a fancy sign, although I couldn't get a great photo of it.

It's not a trip to Germany or Austria without a giant pretzel or two!

Again, we basked in the snow covered mountains surrounding us although they weren't as close as in Innsbruck. I ate my first of many schnitzels of the trip, nearly froze to my core in the big cathedral in the city centre because for some random reason they had seriously cranked up the air-con, and we took about a thousand photos of this guy standing on top of the giant gold ball.
I realised I also forgot to mention that my sister Kate took all the photos from the trip - thank you Kate. You can also see the photos from Munich and Innsbruck if you so desire.
Hope I have set you all off on verse of Do Re Me Fa So La Ti...
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